IT WORKS!! When we started #parivartan-Empower Against Abuse in 2020, I have 'fond' memories of taking meetings in the bathrooms at friends' parties-we didn't miss a single meeting. We have also thought at times, is it really worth it?!
We wanted to change society-train our kids so when they entered society as adults, there were no victims of abuse, and no perpetrators. But what if it was all wishful thinking.... Well, we don't have to doubt anymore. We were grateful to collaborate with professors from 3 prestigious universities- Chicago Boon, LBS and San Diego to do an impact assessment. And the results speak for themselves.

Our training works!! Perception on abuse of vulnerable members of society is changed after the training. Last year we trained over 20K students. This year, we have an opportunity to collaborate with Punjab Government to implement this training in the state. We have plans to implement across India But we cant do this without YOU! To all the sisters in this group- WE NEED YOUR HELP! This initiative was started here. We are hoping you will help us keep it going. We need funding. And this year we want to exponentially increase our impact.

If you are leaders of CSRs in your organization OR if you can connect us with the right person, please please DM us and we would love to discuss more with you. Please help us keep this going!