Impact Assessment
In 2022, we collaborated with three professors- Nita Umashankar from San Diego State University, Rajesh Chandy from London Business School, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta from The University of Chicago Booth- to do an impact assessment on the Parivartan - Empower Against Abuse initiative.
We compared two groups of children to understand the effectiveness of the Parivartan-EAA program to increase gender sensitization and abuse prevention in children.
One set of students was administered a generic Life Skills training and another set of students was administered Parivartan-EAA training. We are very excited about the positive results of the assessment.
We are doing further assessments to evaluate options to increase the effectiveness of the program. We are also getting started on Phase II of the impact assessment. We are very excited with the results and are looking forward to implementing the training across the country.